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Breastfeeding mothers to know




Breastfeeding mothers to know: Here are the single herbs to increase breast milk

Is your baby getting enough breast milk? Or how do you know if you are producing enough breast milk? This is a suspicion that comes to any mother who starts breastfeeding her baby.


How do you know if your baby is getting enough breastmilk?


· Breast milk can be given comfortably without pain.

· The baby is breastfed at least six to eight times a day. If the baby is satisfied after each drink.

· Your breasts feel soft and empty every time you finish breastfeeding.

· If you can see and hear the baby suckling

· When the baby is breastfed enough and then releases himself.

· The baby urinates at least seven times in 24 hours. If it looks like yellow condensed milk during defecation.

· Breastfed babies defecate several times a day or once every five days. This is a common condition for both.



How to increase breast milk?

In many cases of breast milk loss, the real problem is not how much milk you have, but how much milk your baby can absorb. To do this, hold the baby close to your breasts and make sure that the baby is able to breastfeed without difficulty.


Regular and regular breastfeeding helps the baby to regenerate enough milk. Even if the baby is asleep, you should wake up the baby and encourage him to drink milk from time to time. This causes your breasts to produce more breast milk. Then your body is ready to produce breast milk as needed. Therefore, using any other medication or supplements may cause the production of breast milk to go down. The more breast milk you give the baby, the more breast milk will be regenerated in your breasts.


But if you are worried about your baby's weight fluctuations or you not being able to produce enough breast milk, talk to a doctor right away. The doctor will give you the advice you need and the treatment you need.


Foods for increasing breast milk


The following is a list of foods that have little or no scientific evidence to suggest that breast milk can be increased by eating certain foods. These are all foods that have been given to breastfeeding mothers for generations. In addition, many mothers have said that it has helped them. Remember, all of these foods should be eaten in the right amounts, and only according to a balanced diet. In addition, natural supplements with medicinal properties should never be taken without a doctor's prescription.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a single root that has been used for generations to increase breast milk. Much research has been done on this belief since ancient times. But it is not possible to say for sure how effective these are.


Fenugreek is rich in vitamins, including omega-3 fats, which are essential for breastfeeding mothers. Omega-3s are important for the development of your baby's brain. Fenugreek leaves are rich in beta carotene, vitamin B, iron, and calcium. Fenugreek tea is an important drink for breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek can be added to many dishes. Adding fenugreek mainly to vegetables, meat dishes, parathas, puri, and spicy breads adds flavor.


2. Fennel

Fennel is another traditional single root enhancer for breast milk. This is given to the mother to prevent the baby from getting stomach ache and flatulence. It is believed that fennel helps in relieving stomach and digestive problems in adults and its benefits can be passed on to the baby through breast milk. Although no research has been done to confirm this, many mothers are convinced that this single root has benefited their baby. Boiled water with fennel and tea with fennel are the traditional drinks to drink after childbirth.

3. Garlic

Garlic has many properties that can help cure diseases, boost the immune system, and prevent heart disease. At the same time, it is believed that garlic helps to increase breast milk. However, this has no research backing.


If you eat a lot of garlic, it may change the taste and smell of your breast milk. A small study shows that babies of mothers who eat garlic drink more milk. This may be because the baby likes the taste of garlic in breast milk. However, since the study is so small, it is not possible to draw a definite conclusion from it. Also, some mothers say that when they eat more garlic, the baby gets bloating. Garlic milk is traditionally given to mothers who are resting after childbirth.



4.Leafy Food 

Leafy greens, fenugreek, mustard leaves, and spinach are rich in minerals such as iron and calcium, as well as vitamins such as beta-carotene (a type of vitamin A) and riboflavin. It is also said to help increase breast milk. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to eat one or two servings of leafy vegetables daily. You can eat these leafy vegetables cooked with spices, in the form of a salad or boiled.

5. Cumin

Cumin not only enhances breast milk but also improves digestion, relieves constipation, and relieves flatulence and acidity. Cumin is an integral part of Indian cuisine and is rich in calcium and riboflavin (vitamin B). You can add cumin to fried snacks and salads and chutneys. In addition, drinking boiled water with cumin is also good for the body.

6. Sesame

Sesame is another important source of calcium besides milk. Calcium is one of the most essential nutrients for breastfeeding mothers. This is essential for your baby's growth and your health. Therefore, they are an integral part of the diet of breastfeeding mothers. Sesame you can make in the form of laddu. In addition, black sesame can be added to puri, kichadi, biryani, and pulses. In northern India, some people also add white sesame seeds to sweets such as gajak and revadi.

7.Holy Basil

Holy Basil tea is traditionally given to breastfeeding mothers. Although it has not been scientifically proven that these increase breast milk, mint is good for intestinal health and appetite. Like many herbs, mint can be eaten only when needed


Ajwain leaves are rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium. These are believed to increase breast milk and improve digestion and sleep. Since mint can increase urinary incontinence, eat it only in moderation. You can add mint whole or powdered to pickles, salads, cheese spreads, and curries. Ajwain tea is usually given to postpartum women. It is also good to soak it in water with mint and fennel and drink it the next day.


It is traditionally believed that creeping vegetables such as churakka and peaching increase the amount of breast milk. They are low in calories and nutrients but very easy to digest. So breastfeeding mothers should eat a lot of these too.


10. Cereals and legumes


Legumes, especially red beans or lentils not only increase the production of breast milk but also provide you with very high levels of protein, fiber, and iron. It keeps both the mother and the baby healthy.

11.Dry fruits

Almonds and cashews are believed to increase breast milk. They are high in calories, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. These are easily available and are considered to be very good four o'clock snacks. These can be mixed with milk to make delicious almond milk and cashew milk. Breastfeeding mothers can make delicious traditional dishes like panchiri, laddu, and halwa with dried fruits and nuts.

12. Oats

Oats are rich in iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamin B. These are very good to give to postpartum women. In addition, oats are considered to be good for reducing anxiety and depression. These are usually prepared in a drinkable form. You can add nuts, milk, spices, and fruits to enhance the nutritional value if you want.

13. Pregnancy and Lactation Cookies 

The breastfeeding mother will not have the habit of waking up at 3 o'clock. You can take Pregnancy and Lactation Cookies out of your kitchen at 3 o'clock in the morning. This is food that you can easily find. The baby's mother should eat more foods containing galactagogues. Pregnancy and Lactation Cookies are food with more galactagogues. These biscuits are high in brewer's yeast, flax seeds, and oats. Oats also contain vitamin B, which helps the mother produce energy



Do I need to eat and drink more to get the breast milk I need?


This is something to decide based on your body mass index. You need to check how much weight you had before giving birth and how much you gained after giving birth. If you were gaining weight or less at the time of delivery, you will usually need to eat more for the calories needed to breastfeed. However, if you are overweight before becoming pregnant and gaining extra weight as expected during childbirth, you will never need extra calories. Your doctor will help you determine if you need more calories.


According to the general recommendation, it is best to look at your appetite and eat. Your body is ready to produce breast milk. The fat needed to produce breast milk is stored in the body during your delivery.


When you breastfeed, just drink enough water to quench your thirst. Drinking plenty of water and getting thirsty will not affect your breast milk levels. Your body will be ready for anything to make enough breast milk. However, during breastfeeding, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin, which can make you thirsty.

When you breastfeed, just drink enough water to quench your thirst. Drinking plenty of water and getting thirsty will not affect your breast milk levels. Your body will be ready for anything to make enough breast milk. However, during breastfeeding, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin, which can make you thirsty.


Can breast massage help with breast milk production?


Although massaging the breasts does not increase the amount of breast milk, it does help to remove blockages in the breasts, loosen tumors or clots, and prevent breast inflammation. However, when rubbing on the breasts, rub very gently. This is because tight rubbing can cause problems with the arteries that hold breast milk out. It is best to massage yourself as you know how much effort you should take

Is your baby getting enough breast milk? Or how do you know if you are producing enough breast milk? This is a suspicion that comes to any mother who starts breastfeeding her baby.


How do you know if your baby is getting enough breastmilk?


· Breast milk can be given comfortably without pain.

· The baby is breastfed at least six to eight times a day. If the baby is satisfied after each drink.

· Your breasts feel soft and empty every time you finish breastfeeding.

· If you can see and hear the baby suckling

· When the baby is breastfed enough and then releases himself.

· The baby urinates at least seven times in 24 hours. If it looks like yellow condensed milk during defecation.

· Breastfed babies defecate several times a day or once every five days. This is a common condition for both.



How to increase breast milk?


In many cases of breast milk loss, the real problem is not how much milk you have, but how much milk your baby can absorb. To do this, hold the baby close to your breasts and make sure that the baby is able to breastfeed without difficulty.


Regular and regular breastfeeding helps the baby to regenerate enough milk. Even if the baby is asleep, you should wake up the baby and encourage him to drink milk from time to time. This causes your breasts to produce more breast milk. Then your body is ready to produce breast milk as needed. Therefore, using any other medication or supplements may cause the production of breast milk to go down. The more breast milk you give the baby, the more breast milk will be regenerated in your breasts.


But if you are worried about your baby's weight fluctuations or you'm not being able to produce enough breast milk, talk to a doctor right away. The doctor will give you the advice you need and the treatment you need.

Foods for increasing breast milk


The following is a list of foods that have little or no scientific evidence to suggest that breast milk can be increased by eating certain foods. These are all foods that have been given to breastfeeding mothers for generations. In addition, many mothers have said that it has helped them. Remember, all of these foods should be eaten in the right amounts, and only according to a balanced diet. In addition, natural supplements with medicinal properties should never be taken without a doctor's prescription.

1. Fenugreek


Fenugreek is a single root that has been used for generations to increase breast milk. Much research has been done on this belief since ancient times. But it is not possible to say for sure how effective these are.


Fenugreek is rich in vitamins, including omega-3 fats, which are essential for breastfeeding mothers. Omega-3s are important for the development of your baby's brain. Fenugreek leaves are rich in beta carotene, vitamin B, iron, and calcium. Fenugreek tea is an important drink for breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek can be added to many dishes. Adding fenugreek mainly to vegetables, meat dishes, parathas, puri, and spicy bread adds flavor.


2. Fennel

Fennel is another traditional single root enhancer for breast milk. This is given to the mother to prevent the baby from getting stomach ache and flatulence. It is believed that fennel helps in relieving stomach and digestive problems in adults and its benefits can be passed on to the baby through breast milk. Although no research has been done to confirm this, many mothers are convinced that this single root has benefited their baby. Boiled water with fennel and tea with fennel are the traditional drinks to drink after childbirth.

3. Garlic

Garlic has many properties that can help cure diseases, boost the immune system, and prevent heart disease. At the same time, it is believed that garlic helps to increase breast milk. However, this has no research backing.


If you eat a lot of garlic, it may change the taste and smell of your breast milk. A small study shows that babies of mothers who eat garlic drink more milk. This may be because the baby likes the taste of garlic in breast milk. However, since the study is so small, it is not possible to draw a definite conclusion from it. Also, some mothers say that when they eat more garlic, the baby gets bloating. Garlic milk is traditionally given to mothers who are resting after childbirth.














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